Basic Policy to Prevent Damages from Antisocial Forces
The purpose of this basic policy is to prevent unjust demands and threats from antisocial forces, thereby maintaining the order and safety of both the company and society.
In this basic policy, "antisocial forces" refer to groups or individuals who pursue economic gain through violence, power, or fraudulent means, or who threaten the order and safety of civil society. This includes, but is not limited to, organized crime groups (boryokudan), companies affiliated with organized crime, and terrorists.
Basic Policy
Article 1. Severance of Relations with Antisocial Forces Our company shall strictly sever all relations with antisocial forces. We shall thoroughly screen our business partners and counterparties to ensure they have no connections with antisocial forces.
Article 2. Establishment of Internal Regulations Our company shall establish internal regulations that clearly define procedures for dealing with antisocial forces, and shall ensure that all employees fully understand and comply with these regulations.
Article 3. Ensuring Employee Safety Our company shall implement appropriate protective measures to ensure that employees can safely respond to unjust demands from antisocial forces.
Article 4. Cooperation with External Expert Organizations Our company shall closely collaborate with the police, the National Center for the Elimination of Boryokudan, legal counsel, and other expert organizations to gather information on antisocial forces and obtain necessary support.
Article 5. Implementation of Legal Measures Our company shall not hesitate to take civil and criminal legal measures against unjust demands and threats from antisocial forces, and shall respond firmly.
Article 6. Prohibition of Negotiations Our company shall not engage in any negotiations with antisocial forces regarding unjust demands, even if such demands are related to business activities or employee misconduct.
Article 7. Prohibition of Funding Our company shall not provide any funding or financial support to antisocial forces.
Article 8. Compliance with International Standards Our company shall comply with international standards such as the United Nations Global Compact, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), and the OECD Guidelines, and shall implement the highest level of measures to exclude antisocial forces.
Article 9. Transparency and Reporting Our company shall establish an appropriate reporting system and respond transparently to any issues related to antisocial forces.
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