Due to arrival quarantine laws with COVID-19, what is normally an hour flight from Tokyo to Osaka turned into an 8 hour drive. Apart from the rental car cost, what is more expensive, the petrol for the trip or the tolls?
Those who know Japan will say it is a no brainer, those who don’t may be surprised! Here is the trip:
Add in the traffic jams, toilet breaks, food breaks and toilet breaks and food breaks and toilet breaks and … in theory an 8 or 9 hour trip. However, if you travel at the same speed as the rest of the traffic, you can cut about 1 hour off the trip. I will not state here the driving speed as I may incriminate myself, but least to say we were overtaken most of the time by cars doing close to 140 kms/hr.
So how about costs? This was the rental car: Nissan Note, not hybrid.
37 litres of fuel used. At 135 yen per litre that comes out to around 5000 yen.
So the toll costs? Here:
15,490 yen … or $145 US .. or 103 English pounds … or if you must 10,800 rubbles!
So the answer: it costs 3x the cost of petrol for tolls in a fairly fuel efficient car in Japan