Used Vehicle Import Information | Myanmar (Burma)

Provide Cars Make Japanese Car Importing into Burma Easy

If you are buying just one car or many for Burma, you want to purchase cars from Japan at wholesale prices, NOT retail prices. Also, you are wanting the largest choice of cars and trucks to choose from. You want to chose from the Japanese used car auctions, the largest “stock” of vehicles available in Japan. You want to be purchasing from the same stock base that the Japanese used car exporters purchase from. You want all “bargains”, vehicle’s bought below market price, to become your own profit, not the exporters. That is why you want to purchase directly from Japanese used car auctions.

If you are a dealer, purchasing more than one vehicle and on-selling vehicles in Burma, then you need to learn the skills of purchasing cars from the Japanese used car auctions. You need to understand the whole process of purchasing through the Japanese used car auctions, average auction prices, the grading system and selling places in Japan. You need to understand the whole process of purchasing to export and arrival in Yangon. You need to understand benefits and costs of roll-on roll-off shipping compared with shipping your vehicles inside a container. You need to understand the extra costs involved in shipping by container. You need to understand the risks of sending your purchases uninsured, that is, the importance of having your shipments insured.

There is an old proverb that says “through a lack of knowledge my people perish”, and this can be applied to you as an importer as well. You can become top of your industry by building your knowledge and understanding of the export import of used cars and trucks, your specialty.

At Provide Cars we run you through the whole process, train you, provide translations of auction sheets, inform you of potential inland travel costs, give you the skills to import cars into Burma at prices lower than your competitors.


The general shipping method for used Japanese vehicles into Myanmar is either through port Yangoon. RORO is the cheapest way of shipping though a container can be arranged if requested.

Pre-shipping requirements

There is no JAAI test required for Myanmar. Cars and vehicles into Myanmar do not require anything apart from the standard documentation required for exporting out of Japan (export certificate). Provide Cars arranges this.

Import Limitations

There are no age limitations for vehicles going into Myanmar. The customer does need an import licence to import the vehicle.

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